Set IE=WScript.createobject('internetexplorer.application','iexplore_') I've included it below so you can look it over if you'd like to: I've used a vb script as the shell for a web-based timeclock kiosk running XP-embedded. If you have any questions about this, please let me know by responding to this post. Make sure to unload the user registry hive before closing regedit and testing. Load the user's registry hive (from their user folder) into regedit.Ĭreate the Winlogon registry key in %userfolder%\\Software\\Microsoft\\WindowsNT\\CurrentVersion\\ (where %userfolder% is the path in the Registry to the hive you loaded)Īdd a new string value called Shell with the path to your vbs shell. To set the shell for a specific user account, follow these steps: If you need to manage the computer, you can then login normally by holding down the shift key before it logs in automatically. If you don't need the security of a login, I would also set the computer to autologin to that user account (via the registry). This makes managing the computer easier, as you can still login normally. I would set the shell only for the specific user account that you run the program as.